Latest Poland job vacancies

         Note: we are (jobs) not recruiters, instead we just sharing available jobs in worldwide, once you click on the Apply / job title, will direct you to the career page of concerned job provider, so publickannada is not directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment. 


1. Poland vacancies 

🔸Butcher - 30nos (4750 Poland currency) 
🔸Construction electrician-15nos (5500 Pol)
🔸Welders -15nos(6250 )
🔸Construction painters-30nos(5250)
🔸Insulation fitters-20nos(5250)
🔸Roofers -10nos(5500)
🔸Mason -10nos(5500)
🔸Computer system administrators -10nos(4320)
🔸Specialist in computer networks-10nos(4500)
🔸Store keeper -25nos(4500)

Monthly salary in Poland currency

2. Oman (MoH) 
Nurses (dip or bsc) 
Prometric with50%
Salary package 620 OR = 120000%
Process time 2 to 3 months
August interview
Service charge applicable

Excelsior Management
Contact us :  
74065 65494
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